It often happens that the service you come across looks top-notch at first glance. However, when you research it a bit more, you find out that this is not entirely true.
Well, today’s topic is Venium, and we are going to look deeper into this service’s reliability.
- Can you trust Venium with your money and Instagram information?
- Are Venium’s followers legit and real?
These are just some of the questions we’re going to look into today.
If you’re in a hurry, and need a 100% legit and reliable source, go straight to Upleap. This service can boost your follower number in a flash and turn your Instagram popularity around. For more information, check out our review right here.
Venium is another Instagram-growth service that may be hiding a secret.
But don’t worry, we’re on to them.
If you’re curious why you should think twice before buying followers from Venium, don’t hesitate to scroll down!
We’ve even put together a table of alternatives. Check it out:
IG Service User Rating Price
Nitreo 4.7 Check Price
Upleap 4.4 Check Price
Socialfollow 4.2 Check Price
KENJI 4.2 Check Price
Venium’s Main Features
Isn’t it easier for you when you have the key features of the company you’re researching singled out? Not only is it an effective start, but it can help you a lot in forming an opinion.
Let’s take a closer look at what characterizes Venium.
Deals with multiple platforms. | Followers are disappearing. |
Almost no reviews offsite. | |
App is currently unavailable. | |
Promotes inorganic growth. |
What Is Venium?
Before we move on to further and deeper analysis, let’s say a few words about Venium, and what this online business actually represents.
Venium is a social media growth service, and with its help, you can boost your social engagement on:
- YouTube
- Spotify
- TikTok
For someone who deals with social media, this certainly makes their job a lot easier. However, you should not rush when it comes to decisions like this.
It would be best to focus on a particular platform first and double-check every aspect that involves it.
Since we are currently interested in Instagram, that will be our main focus.
Is Venium Legit?
The more we researched Venium, the more reasons we had to doubt this service. Namely, when you sum up all of the information about this company, it does not give the impression of legit Instagram-growth services.
And when we say legit, we mean a service that will fulfill what it so proudly promises to its customers, and what it stands for.
To be 100% sure whether Venium is legit, we will focus on certain aspects of the company that should be most important to potential customers.
Venium’s Instagram Package
As we said, Venium deals with multiple social media platforms, and Instagram is one of them. Here, you have the opportunity to buy:
- Instagram followers
- Instagram comments
- Instagram video views
- Instagram likes
This is a pretty standard offer, and it probably looks reliable at first glance. However, how true is that?
Venium’s Followers – Debatable Quality
Instagram followers are not only the fastest but also the most effective way to boost your engagement here. That is, of course, if you get real people as followers. So, how did Venium do here?
Well, not quite well.
Venium is selling cheap IG followers, which is not necessarily a good thing if you think about it for a minute. We’ve seen dozens upon dozens of websites that sell ridiculously cheap services, and not just followers.
A majority of potential customers associate low prices with a good offer. In reality, this is rarely the case. Services that sell their services at low prices do not guarantee quality.
That’s exactly where Venium went wrong. This service did not overestimate its services. On the contrary, it sells them at such low prices that it is not common for services like this.
Also, the quality you get is not equal to the one advertised on the homepage. For a better understanding, take a few seconds to look at the package details.

Venium claims that its followers are from all around the world, however, these accounts can disappear very quickly. If you have had a bad experience, then this makes you think that these are temporary accounts from China or India.
Also, Venium promotes inorganic growth. If you look closely, the inflow of followers starts immediately after you buy a package.
This is not good at all. An instant inflow can disrupt organic growth, and cause Instagram to notice suspicious profiles.
If this happens, you can say goodbye to your followers.
Venium App Currently Unavailable
If you have experience with social media growth services, then you have certainly seen examples where there is an app within the site that allows you to do the same via your smartphone.
Here it is:

Unfortunately, Venium currently has a problem with its app. The homepage says it may be available on the AppStore, however, when you try to download it, you can’t.
You are asked to enter your email to be notified of the release.
What worries us is that this situation has not changed for a long time, and this app is still not available for download. As this is still pending, we advise you to be careful if this becomes available soon.
Hard To Find Reviews
Since we were still hesitant about “Is Venium a scam”, we decided to look for customer reviews.
The thing is, there are almost no reviews on Venium. We tried to search on Trustpilot, but all we could find was this one review.

This person was short and clear. According to them, Venium is a scam, and you shouldn’t trust them with your money.
It’s not a good sign that this is the only review you can find on the Internet. You certainly start to doubt the reliability of Venium.
It is very important to read past experiences so that you can create an opinion on your own. Mind you, reviews from the homepage should not be trusted. They are mostly fake.
Venium Review – Summing Up
That’s about it. There’s nothing more to say about Venium. It’s time to collect the information we have and make a decision.
Okay, here’s what we have.
Venium seems like every other social media growth service. However, you may not get the quality you expected. The followers that Venium forwards is not exactly top-notch.
Among these followers, you will always come across a couple of suspicious ones that will disappear after a few days or weeks. What surely attracted your attention were the prices. Venium sells its followers at low prices, and you automatically think that it’s a good deal.
Moreover, Venium has almost no review offsite. There’s only one, and it’s negative.
By all accounts, Venium does not give the impression that it is reliable, so we would advise you to avoid this service, at least until more information is collected.